Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Bre in Town - Island of the Gods

The day dawned cloudy again, but at least it wasn't raining.  Bre's only request was "serious beach time", but it couldn't hurt to fit in some culture, too.  Located about an hour away from our hotel is a temple called Tanah Lot, or "Land in the Sea", which is where we headed that morning.

What I love about Balinese architecture are the little details.  Check out the face just above where I am posing:

To get to the temple you have to pay for a ticket (about 75 cents), and then run a gauntlet of touristy shops, trying not to step on the offerings along the way.

Our guide was Yasa, which you might remember from the last time we were in Bali.  Great smile, patient and easy going, superb english.  And funny.  I pay for funny.

We climbed up around to another cliff to get our first view of the 15th century temple, which is on a little island near the shore.  There used to be a stone bridge to the temple, but that fell down, so now you have to wait until low tide to get out there.

I am always amazed when people ask to take their picture with me.  I don't know if it's the extremely white skin or the red hair, but it happens all the time.

Behind us is a much smaller temple, which I actually liked more than the main one.

These guys are posing like Balinese supermodels.

Bre, contemplating the sea.

Yasa lead us around to a side beach which was gorgeous and completely empty, though it was treacherous going to get down there.

I stepped right into the waves...

Which promptly came up to my waist and had me running for shore.  Camera stayed dry though!

We spent about an hour down there, just running in and out of the waves on our private little beach

Wandering back to the main temple, we learned that you can also be blessed by snakes if you want to make your way across.  We declined.

On to some quick shopping where I bought a clay satay cooker (I liked his face), and Bre bought a guitar.  A really little one.


Goodbye, Tanah Lot, you're gorgeous!

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