Monday, June 14, 2010

Mount Kinabalu 2010 - Back to Borneo

The argument started over a year ago.   We were in the taxi, on the way back to the Kota Kinabalu airport the first time we were in Borneo.

David:  "Next time we come here, we should climb that mountain."
Chris:  "Mmm hmm.  Maybe."
David:  "It's supposed to be really cool."
Chris, shrugging:  "Sure."
David:  "You don't sound very excited about it."
Chris:  "I'd rather sit on the beach and wave while you climb the mountain."
David:  "Well I'll just have to find someone else to do it with, if you don't want to go."
Chris:  "Sounds good to me."
David:  "Fine."
Chris:  "Fine."

Fast forward one year later, where somehow David has talked me into climbing up Mt. Kinabalu, the highest mountain in southeast Asia at 13,435 feet.  I hadn't initially agreed to go, but David's friend backed out on him at the last minute, and I felt guilty depriving him of the experience.  It was our anniversary (nine years!), so my present to him was climbing the mountain.  His present to me was staying at the Shangri La before and after the climb.

The first day was great, we arrived at the hotel in time to have some quality sitting-on-the-beach-and-doing-absolutely-nothing time.

On the way to dinner, we were treated to a spectacular Borneo sunset.

Happy coincidence, our friends Matt and Kim were also staying there (relaxation only, they weren't doing the climb), and we were able to meet up for dinner.

Loaded up on pasta and bread, we went to bed early, ready for our climb the next day.  "It's like a hike", David had assured me, "anyone can do it.  You'll be fine."  Making sure I had my gloves, headlamp and a couple of extra granola bars, I slept well.  Little did I know that I would not really sleep again for the next 48 hours.

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