Thursday, June 3, 2010

Adventures in the Ordinary: Bintan Island

"What are you guys doing this weekend?"
"Not much.  Just hopping over to Bintan for a day."
"Oh.  I went there a couple of weeks ago.  It was nice."
"Yeah, it's all right."

Back in Minnesota, if you wanted to get away for a weekend, you asked around until you found somebody's cabin that was free to use for a couple of days.  If you were lucky, the place might have a TV and heat.  If you were really lucky, the place might have a gassed up boat you could take out fishing.  In Singapore, the equivalent of going "up North", is taking the 45 minute ferry over to Bintan Island, Indonesia.  Here is what is considered a common vacation here in Singapore:

Views of a local fishing hut way out yonder:

And visits from the local wildlife:

Ordinary?  Well, not for me just yet.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, that guy was in "A Bug's Life"! See if you can get his autograph next time. He's pretty good with magic trick if my memory serves me right.
