Saturday, November 21, 2009

Bali Hai

I have a love/hate relationship with the blog. On one hand, I enjoy recording everything so I can share it with friends and family, but on the other hand there is sometimes so much to report that I don't know where to begin, and I'm paralyzed with indecision. "Begun Is Half Done" is a cross-stiched saying my mom had on her sewing room wall, and I use it often. Like now. Here we go.

I've been anxious to go to Bali ever since I read the book "Eat, Pray, Love" by Elizabeth Gilbert. David insisted he needed a vacation "like, now" and Bali is just a 2 hour plane ride away, so twist-my-arm, Bali it was.

We arrived late on a Thursday, and after being greeted at the hotel with leis and mint tea, we were ushered to our bungalow. At first I was a tad unimpressed, but then the bell hop opened a door and we found our awesome bathroom. I love it when showers open to the outside.

David slept in a bit the next morning, so I headed out to have breakfast by the beach and catch up on my reading. I never cracked my book because watching the waves and the surfers was just too enthralling. I could have sat there all day.

Our first stop on the city tour was a local tailor, where David got a custom made wool dress jacket for $160.

Kuta, which is considered "too touristy" by local standards, was surprisingly fun to walk around and buy cheap crap, if that's what you like. And I do.

We walked along the beach for a ways, then headed back up the main drag to find some food.

Along the way, we decided to stop and get 30 minute foot massages which were exorbitantly priced at $3 a person. No, that is not a typo. Three. Dollars.

Since this was supposed to be a relaxing vacation, we headed back to the hotel to sit by the pool and watch the sun set.

We changed and took a short taxi ride to a nice italian place up the road. It was crowded, but we were happy to wait 20 minutes with a glass of wine in hand.

We had a fun walk back along the beach, our only problem was figuring out which hotel was ours. There are huge spotlights beaming out from every resort/hotel along the way, and it's hard to tell where you are. We found it though, much too soon, as the weather was lovely.

Tomorrow, Ubud and suckling pig. Yum!

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